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from: dany
date: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 7:25 PM
subject: pool heater near Montreal, Québec, Canada
Please, excuse my english because I speak french and is not very easy for me to write this.
I does this pool heater last summer after I seen your's. YOU HAS BEEN MY INSPIRATION.
My BBQ was 40 000 btu and I put in for 100' of 1/2 copper. I get 5 F degree during the night(9pm to
11am) with one tank of propane(20lbs) and a pool tarp cover.( 65F-70F at 5 june).
During the day, I continue to heat my pool, In the after-noon it was at 72F. It's a little bit cold
but ok for the first bathing.
I plug a solenoid gas valve(normally close) on my BBQ in case of shutdown of electricity.
Take a look to my pictures
Tank you
from: Todd Harrison
to: dany
date: Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 7:34 AM
subject: Re: pool heater near Montreal, Québec, Canada
WOW! that looks like some nice pipe work. Great Job!
Some tips:
Get a Solar Cover:
It's a floating pool cover called a "solar cover" ~$125US. You just
cut it to fit the shape of your pool and then attached one end to a
reel for easy roll-up. They have thousands of small air bubbles that
keeps the cover floating and makes for a perfect vapor seal. Most of
your heat will be lost to water evaporation so a perfect vapor seal
will save the most heat. I know you can get these at a local Home
Improvement store in Arizona, US or local pool supply store, but you
can also order on line too. see link: cover
Get a reel for the Solar Cover:
I got this reel for about $200US at my local pool store: reel
Others online at: Others
Cajun Conversion modification:
I gave up on the tiny heat source from my grill and bought some giant
pot burners. you could do the same maybe just one for your current
coil would work. Stack some bricks around it for a wind barrier but
leave some opening at the button of the stack of bricks for air to the
burners. No top really needed, but you can experiment with different
vents for a top like I did. The rest stays the same and you will be
able to really pour the heat in the pool. See link to my Cajun
Good luck and i will post your photos on my site this weekend under
my "More Photos" link.
Todd Harrison